As you can tell, I am not the best at keeping up with blogging. I'll try to get better within the next week or so when I go home for a vacation/reunion/adventure (more on that later). As for today, my adventures with the DMV. . .
I am officially becoming an Okie! I live and work here now and for the forseeable future, and my old driver's license expires on my birthday in October this year. Well, wouldn't it make sense to get an Oklahoma driver's license? Yes, yes it would. Should I get it before my trip back to Louisiana? Yes, I think so. Unfortunately, there's always red tape (and a line) at the offices that grant you such things.
I got up early this morning to be at the Oklahoma Highway Patrol office right at 7 am when they open up (gag). At 6:40 am there was already a line. At 6:55 the only guy working there split the line to separate the driver's test only crew from the miscellaneous business. Later (around 7:10), he gave instructions to the miscellaneous crew as to what you have to have. For license transfers that included a birth certificate. Guess what I didn't have. *sigh*
The thing is, I searched for it last night and couldn't find it (while on the phone with a friend). Couldn't find it, couldn't it, looked several times couldn't find it. When I got home from OHP, it was laying exactly where it should have been, folded over so distracted-by-shiny-things me didn't notice it. Rawr.
Take two tomorrow morning. This time I'm heading north to a (hopefully) less popular Driver's License Exam Office.
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